Projects Africa
Designing education.
COGNOS International
Sustainable Business Training for African SMEs
With a background in promoting African entrepreneurship, creating decent jobs as well as economic and socio-ecological value, COGNOS International and GreenTec Capital Africa Foundation (GCAF) jointly organize a training programme focusing on sustainable business practices.
This program is supported by the special initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), operating under the brand Invest for Jobs. Our sustainable business training targets SMEs and startups that seek to integrate more sustainable practices into their businesses and aim to create impactful jobs. The training is available for participants from the following countries: Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia.
As first part of the programme, online trainings were implemented in October 2023 in French and English. Topics covered in the sessions included dealing with social and environmental challenges, sustainable leadership skills, creating ESG culture and more. Inhouse training sessions with local and international experts for selected companies will follow in January/February 2024.
Project duration: since July 2023
COGNOS International
Senegal Hospital Administration Trainings
Together with the African German Health Association e.V. we carried out a two-year project in Senegal. The aim of the project was to optimize the infrastructure in the health sector in Senegal and to secure or create jobs in the long term. Our focus was on the development and implementation of a hybrid training program for Senegalese hospital administrators.
The 4 modules of the Hospital Administration Training were: Leadership, Quality Management, Human Resource Management and Didactics. The kick-off sessions took place in September 2021 in Senegal in 4 different regions. For the following online trainings we used an online training platform. Here, participants found content for self-study, the presentations of the online sessions and a multiple-choice test per module.
The trainings were conducted by local and international experts. The sessions were interactive, allowing each participant to ask questions and share their experiences.
After 9 months with 4 training modules, almost 1,000 kilometers on the road, 10 training sessions in 4 cities, 7 more online sessions and more than 130 participants from a total of more than 40 hospitals and health organizations, we are very happy about the achieved result.
Project duration: June 2021 – July 2023
COGNOS International
German-Egyptian SME Training and Exchange Programme
COGNOS International has implemented the German-Egyptian Training and Exchange Programme to promote SMEs in Egypt. It is supported by Invest for Jobs, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented among others by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The aim of this programme is to create sustainable jobs. This is to be achieved by strengthening the regional and international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Egypt.
Within the framework of two sector-specific programmes, a total of 40 companies were supported through workshops, training, mentoring and a business trip to Germany. Here, company visits, individual business contacts, training and coaching were organised for both groups, the first group from the food and agriculture sector and the second group from the circular economy sector.
The programme, in which international business contacts and partnerships were successfully created, ended with a joint workshop in Cairo.
Project duration: November 2021 to June 2023
COGNOS International
German-Ghanaian Training and Exchange Programme
In Ghana, most employment opportunities are largely hinged on the private sector. SMEs fall largely within this sector and are the backbone of the Ghanaian economy. They represent about 85% of businesses and contribute about 70% of Ghana's gross domestic product (ITC, 2018)
To support the SMEs in Ghana, COGNOS International implemented the German Ghanaian Training and Exchange Programme. It is supported by Invest for Jobs, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, amongst others. The objective of the German-Ghanaian Training and Exchange Programme is to create decent jobs by strengthening the Ghanaian companies’ readiness to compete in regional and international markets. We supported 60 SMEs divided into three sector specific cohorts, namely Agriculture and Food, Wood Processing and Furniture, as well as Textile and Fashion. All three programmes included workshops in Ghana, individual coaching, mentoring and a business trip to Germany.
The programme concluded with a successful ‘Made in Ghana Expo’ in Accra showcasing all 60 SMEs with the German Ambassador to Ghana Mr. Daniel Krull holding the keynote opening speech. As a result of the German-Ghanaian Training and Exchange Programme, international partnerships and business relationships were established, creating win-win situations for both sides. A first monitoring survey showed us that more than 400 decent jobs have been created amongst all 60 SMEs, many of them for women or youth.
Project duration: November 2020 to Dezember 2022
COGNOS International
Ghana Health
Project to strengthen the physical and digital infrastructure of the health care system in Ghana in cooperation with the African German Health Association e.V. After a gap analysis and extensive interviews, we conducted needs-based training in the area of hospital administration.
Project duration: November 2021 to February 2022